Oct 4, 2011

The Festivl is still on nd here re some pictures  of the kids,

sub jeet  nd mother .



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Oct 2, 2011

Here in klkata its the festival for durgra puja.
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Oct 1, 2011

Sep 17, 2011

Monthly Report for the month of August 2011

                              Monthly Report  August 2011.
From the Administration Desk: Let us all renew our vow pursuing  our welfare activities more vigorously so that we can bring  back hopes in the lives of many more deprived children. Here in kolkata our projects are running smoothly with the help and prays from all of you. I on behalf of the organization  am enclosing all the activities that has taken place on the month of August  2011 in the organization a brief report of all activities.

School :Little heart School is with a mission to impact the lives of the underprivileged children in the field of education, and to help those children effected  with H.I.V. 
The month of August the children have participated in there second term exams. Rahul, Rohit, Megha, Subajeet Sonali, Akash, Nitesh and Pallavi topped the school. they have really done well in there exams, while others have managed it, some are still on process, and will be take care of.

Railway project : Apart from the perennial of harassment at the hands of police and others the slum children have also to content with the attempts at physical exploitation, since parents are away during the day to earn to feed the children (specially adolescents girls)remains exposed to physical abuse including sexual exploitation. children living in dilapidated shed, pavements or in nearby slums, these children try to eke out a living through begging , rag-picking, shoe polishing, as regular team work, we have Mamoni  Nayak  taking care of the railway project, counseling them and helping them to study.the organization ensures regular availabilities and proper distribution of condoms at place like brothels,dhabas, truck terminus,STD clinics, they are approached through nukkad nataks installation of AIDS awareness programmers-during group discussion  and individual counseling, correct usage of condoms is demonstration,    and through the help of the police the children  are sent to different  orphanage .  

BOLPUR :  The association has a land in bolpur. But at the present moment there is a slight problem as a wall has fallen on a small child and  she is hospitalized, The organization is paying all the medicial expences of this child;

Activities in the organization;
@ The children have participated in the school G.K. compatation.
@The awarness programm in the railway station was conducted by  Moumita Roychoudhery and Doctor S.D.Roy.
@The  mothers have received mounthly rice.
@Some mthers were sent for training of vacatation ; H.I.V/ AIDS.
@The teachers as regular visits to the homes of the kids.

#First the majour problems that we have been facing for last few months were the rent of the school building.

We Thank each one of you for being a part of our family,  we need alot of prays and supports;

Aug 16, 2011

Monthly Report for the month of July 20011.

                                  MONTH OF July 20011

                              This is Jeet

From the Administrative Desk:Greeting to every one. Let us all renew our vow for pursuing our welfare activities more vigorously so that we can bring back hopes in the lives of many more deprived children. On behalf of the organization i am enclosing all the activities that have been  taken  place in the association  last month (July 2011)

mission: Little Heart school is with a mission  to improve the lives of the underprivileged children . Our works are primary in the field of education, and to help those who needs Help.
*The Teachers have aimed to create a bright and interesting school environment with attractive display of charts books and activities sheets works for the children.
*To make education more affected the teachers made music  to be use in the class.
* as a result  the children found it very interesting and helped in acquired effective knowledge skills and understanding appropriate to their aptitude and abilities.
*T.V. time was also included.


*Month of  26 July 2011  was a busy day  campaigning  against DRUGS and Illicit trafficking.The awareness  was done by the teachers, mothers and our  bigger children of the school. this program took place in Howrah station, Sealdha Station, Garia, Sunderband,  Sonagachi, and Kali ghat.most of these area are red light area.
The mothers and the teachers were real help in spreading the news of Drugs, AIDS, 

*Soma and Moumita went to children's Home to provide them with meals, due to the rain and flood.

*ACTIVITIES:Home visits were done on irregular children, 22 children could not come to school due to the rain and the flood. While interacting with the parents and children the problems that came to our notice was the monsoon,*Health,*Distance,* The most important one was the mothers facing lot of harassment from the local people.

 Step Taken
*A major step was taken The member of the association visited the local police station, and have asked the police to see into the matter.
*The regular treatment for the children are on.(its and ongoing program)
*children suffering with tuberculosis meals and medicines are provided. 
*some of the children are taken in the government hospital.
*children living far, are provided with there traveling money (children travailing in train monthly ticket is bought with a consission given from the railways)

Meals : The home kids and some of our school kids were provide with  meals  by Mr. and Mrs Ghosh.
We thank them for there contribution toward our kids.
Thank you Mr.and Mrs Ghosh.

Visitors : We had no visitors in the month of July.

 The problems 
*last month had really been a hard month on every one, 
 The children have suffered. from illness, treatment problem
*Transport problems
* was unable to pay the Rent Of the school apartment.
*Some text books are still needed.

We Thank  Patricia,  Speram, God Parents,  The mothers, Teachers and above all committee members for the support and care  given to carry on our work smoothly.
 keep praying  for us to carry on our work more efficiently.



Aug 9, 2011

the sky of kolkata is crying for Laboni very heavily:added by moumita

If the people we love is stolen from us ,The way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.We love you and we miss you LABONI  FROM YOUR FAMILY (N.A.D.F.)

Jul 30, 2011

                 This is  a old picture of my girls, 

Nothing is so beautiful than the lovely smiles of my children before the sunrise. FRIENDS today  Laboni will be transfered to another hospital,(directed by the doctors.)
 from kolkata