Jan 13, 2011

lighting up the smiles

Lighting up some smiles Date 13.01.2011.
Time 7. am.I standing on the entrance of the school gate waiting to receive the kids, I could see one by one entering the gate. All dressed in red, some crying and some laughing as they begin the new academic year.
The books are ready to be given and a year of studies will begin, The eagerness and the desire to do well, is clear in their eyes all have a stories and all wanting to do well makes me happy and I feel proud to be the mother of all.


  1. Thank you for this beautiful pink picture of the children, all in red.
    they are beautiful.
    The second photo, the children are all beautiful too.
    I wish them to study well, everyone, and especially shulka my godchild.
    I recognized Jeet on the second picture;
    I embrace you all, may God protect you, protect you that Rose kisses anne

  2. Merci pour ces photos
    j'ai à la maison les photos de tous les enfants à donner aux parrains et marraines

    que Dieu vous garde tous

    prends soin de toi Rose
