Sep 17, 2011

Monthly Report for the month of August 2011

                              Monthly Report  August 2011.
From the Administration Desk: Let us all renew our vow pursuing  our welfare activities more vigorously so that we can bring  back hopes in the lives of many more deprived children. Here in kolkata our projects are running smoothly with the help and prays from all of you. I on behalf of the organization  am enclosing all the activities that has taken place on the month of August  2011 in the organization a brief report of all activities.

School :Little heart School is with a mission to impact the lives of the underprivileged children in the field of education, and to help those children effected  with H.I.V. 
The month of August the children have participated in there second term exams. Rahul, Rohit, Megha, Subajeet Sonali, Akash, Nitesh and Pallavi topped the school. they have really done well in there exams, while others have managed it, some are still on process, and will be take care of.

Railway project : Apart from the perennial of harassment at the hands of police and others the slum children have also to content with the attempts at physical exploitation, since parents are away during the day to earn to feed the children (specially adolescents girls)remains exposed to physical abuse including sexual exploitation. children living in dilapidated shed, pavements or in nearby slums, these children try to eke out a living through begging , rag-picking, shoe polishing, as regular team work, we have Mamoni  Nayak  taking care of the railway project, counseling them and helping them to study.the organization ensures regular availabilities and proper distribution of condoms at place like brothels,dhabas, truck terminus,STD clinics, they are approached through nukkad nataks installation of AIDS awareness programmers-during group discussion  and individual counseling, correct usage of condoms is demonstration,    and through the help of the police the children  are sent to different  orphanage .  

BOLPUR :  The association has a land in bolpur. But at the present moment there is a slight problem as a wall has fallen on a small child and  she is hospitalized, The organization is paying all the medicial expences of this child;

Activities in the organization;
@ The children have participated in the school G.K. compatation.
@The awarness programm in the railway station was conducted by  Moumita Roychoudhery and Doctor S.D.Roy.
@The  mothers have received mounthly rice.
@Some mthers were sent for training of vacatation ; H.I.V/ AIDS.
@The teachers as regular visits to the homes of the kids.

#First the majour problems that we have been facing for last few months were the rent of the school building.

We Thank each one of you for being a part of our family,  we need alot of prays and supports;