Jan 9, 2011

today i dint hear the children voices as i had entered the house late it is already half twelve at night they all are in deep sleep.
I had to rush Jack to the hospital as he had met with a small accident in india. it is never good to ride by a bicycle in the roads of kolkata were there are hundreds and hundreds of auto, taxies, buses, lorry and many more vehicles running madly on the streets but by the Grace of God HE IS SAFE .


  1. merci de nous donner des nouvelles
    Je vois que Jack est très imprudent de faire du vélo à Calcutta : c'est presque du suicide.
    Si j'ai bien compris il s'est cassé le poignet : dure pour reprendre l'avion et le train, bref renter chez lui.
    prends soin de toi Rose et embrasse les enfants pour moi

  2. Thank you Rose for the news(short stories).
    I wish that jack is cured to resume(to take back) the plane;
    The children slept, they are happy of beings to you Rose;
    I kiss(embrace) you and the children also;

  3. I wish good luck to Jacques for his return to France;

    the plane = Aircraft air mail
    children find joy in your house, Rose-mary;
    May God protect you. kisses

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